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Gear and transmission technology

Online basic seminar
Day 1 | 10:00-17:00 CET
Day 2 | 08:30 - 17:00 CET

Language: German

Image: ©FVA GmbH

Design - production - operation

Gearbox development is a compromise between the conflicting priorities of load capacity, efficiency, noise, and cost. The large number of influencing parameters and the complex interactions between them are often difficult for designers to understand. For this reason, gearboxes are often optimized with regard to a single criterion.

Target audience

Gear unit developers, designers, and construction engineers.

Main topics

Day 1:

  • Gear types and characteristics

  • Involute gear geometry

  • Production of cylindrical gears

Day 2:

  • Gear damage and load capacity calculations

  • Design and design calculations

  • Lubrication

  • Efficiency

  • Design of modifications


This seminar provides a comprehensive overview of all relevant steps of the product development process of cylindrical gears, starting with an introduction to the different types of gearboxes (cylindrical, bevel, worm, and planetary gear units):

  • General dimensioning of cylindrical gear units

  • Gear design with regard to load capacity, efficiency, and noise

  • Cylindrical gear production

The seminar contents will then be applied using the example of a two-state cylindrical gear unit.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Bihr

Ulm University of Technology

Since 2019: Professor of Design and Mechanics, TH Ulm

Since 2021: Independent Managing Director, Steinbeis Beratungszentrum Antriebssysteme

Since 2020: Trustee, ponte consult e.V.

2018 - 2023: Lecturer for construction, DHBW Stuttgart

2014-2019: Head of Calculation and Testing Geared Motors, Siemens Geared Motors

2016: Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.), TU Munich

2008-2014: Research assistant, TU Munich (FZG)

2006-2008: Studied mechanical engineering (M.Sc.), TU Munich

2001-2005: Studied mechanical engineering (Dipl.-Ing.), TH Ulm

Fees (net)

Standard: €1625.00
FVA members: €1300.00
VDMA members: €1300.00
Students: €812.50 (valid certificate of enrollment required)

Please note that there is a cancellation fee for non-participation.

22 October

Statistical methods for reliability evaluations in engineering: basics and applications

29 October

Fundamentals of planetary gear design and simulation