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Advanced gear modification design

Online advanced seminar
10:00-11:30 CET

Language: German

Image: ©FVA GmbH

The influence of gear macrogeometry - Production of gear modifications

Increasing demands for comfort in automotive applications as well as legal requirements for stationary systems drive the constant reduction of noise in gearbox development. Another goal is the pursuit of the greatest possible power density and efficiency. The design of suitable gear modifications is becoming more and more important to achieve low noise excitation as well as high load carrying capacity.

Target audience

This seminar is aimed at all design engineers with previous knowledge of gear modifications who would like to deepen their expertise.


The following aspects of cylindrical gear modifications are discussed in detail in this seminar:

  • Influence of the gearing macrogeometry (including size influence) on modification design using practical examples 

  • Production of gear modifications

    • Specifications

    • Production by generating grinding

    • Influence of production-related waviness

    • Robust modification design

  • Modular gearbox strategies

  • Consideration of speed-dependent resonances in the modification design

  • Influence of gear modifications on efficiency

  • Local load capacity calculations


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Bihr

Ulm University of Technology

Since 2019: Professor of Design and Mechanics, TH Ulm

Since 2021: Independent Managing Director, Steinbeis Beratungszentrum Antriebssysteme

Since 2020: Trustee, ponte consult e.V.

2018 - 2023: Lecturer for construction, DHBW Stuttgart

2014-2019: Head of Calculation and Testing Geared Motors, Siemens Geared Motors

2016: Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.), TU Munich

2008-2014: Research assistant, TU Munich (FZG)

2006-2008: Studied mechanical engineering (M.Sc.), TU Munich

2001-2005: Studied mechanical engineering (Dipl.-Ing.), TH Ulm

Fees (net)

Standard: €281.00
FVA members: €225.00
VDMA members: €225.00
Students: €140.50 (valid certificate of enrollment required)

Please note that there is a cancellation fee for non-participation.

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