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Flank fracture

Online advanced seminar

Day 1 | 14:00-17:00 CET

Day 2 | 09:00-12:00 CET

Language: German

Image: ©Witzig/FZG

Damage patterns - mechanisms - influencing factors - calculation approaches

The load carrying capacity of the tooth flank and root are crucial gear dimensioning parameters. Optimized design and production along with continuous improvements to the simulation process have made it possible to largely avoid the "classic" fatigue damage symptoms of pitting and tooth root fracture as well as to increase the load carrying capacity limits of gears. However, this leads to an increased risk of damage due to the formation of cracks at greater component depths. Flank fracture is characterized by cracks originating beneath the surface of the tooth flank. Damage due to flank fracture generally occurs suddenly and unexpectedly due to growth of the crack within the material. The consequences are generally serious and often result in complete failure of the affected gear stage. Outages due to flank fracture therefore lead to high repair and downtime costs. To avoid damage due to flank fracture, it is important to know and understand the underlying mechanisms and influencing factors.

Target audience

Employees of gear drive companies and specialist departments: designers, calculation and operating engineers, maintenance and repair specialists, experts.

Main topics

The following topics will be covered:

  • Flank fracture damage patterns - basics and damage characteristics

  • Flank fracture mechanisms and influencing factors

  • Flank fracture risk calculation methods

  • Example calculation study (variational calculations)


The goal of this seminar is to provide a deeper understanding of the mechanisms, influencing factors, and simulation processes for flank fracture on gears:

  • Reliable detection and classification of flank fracture damage on cylindrical gears, bevel gears, and hypoid gears

  • Knowledge of the essential mechanisms and relevant influencing factors of damage due to flank fracture

  • Knowledge of calculation methods for a quantitative evaluation of the risk of flank fracture on cylindrical gears

  • Understanding of the advanced interpretation of calculation results for qualitative and quantitative estimation of the possibilities for avoiding flank fracture


Dr. Thomas Tobie

TU Munich Institute of Machine Elements "Gear Research Center" (FZG)

Since 1994: Cylindrical gear load capacity department head; TU Munich (FZG)

Sascha Rommel

TU Munich Institute of Machine Elements "Gear Research Center" (FZG)

Since 2024: "Materials and heat treatment" team lead, "Cylindrical gear load capacity" department; TU Munich (FZG)

Since 2001: Doctorate

Since 2001: Research assistant, TU Munich (FZG)

2019 - 2021: Mechanical Engineering studies (M.Sc.), TU Munich

Fees (net)

Standard: €938.00
FVA members: €750.00
VDMA members: €750.00
Students: €469.00 (valid certificate of enrollment required)

Please note that there is a cancellation fee for non-participation.

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