Image: ©Leibniz University Hannover
Online seminar: FVA 914 I research project
The seminar provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in friction modeling of rolling bearings at high speeds. The focus is on extending existing friction models to include the effects of high speeds. In particular, the increasing centrifugal forces and the reduction of the lubricant film height due to inadequate lubrication effects between the rolling elements and raceways play a decisive role. The further developments implemented within the research project FVA 914 I: "Friction modeling at high speeds" will be presented. The extensive component tests carried out and the resulting findings are also discussed. In addition, problems that have not yet been sufficiently researched are highlighted and specific solutions for future research projects are discussed.
Target audience
The seminar is aimed at engineers, researchers and technicians in the fields of mechanical engineering, tribology and electromobility who wish to gain a deeper understanding of modeling methods and experimental validation.
Fees (net)