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Gearbox design with the FVA-Workbench

  • VDMA18 Lyoner StraßeFrankfurt am Main, 60528Germany (map)

In-person basic seminar

Language: German

Image: ©Dr. Ing. Ferdinand Wikidal/

Introduction - calculations - applications

The FVA-Workbench is a comprehensive gear design software solution. This seminar deals with the design, parameterization, and simulation of different types of gearboxes, from multi-stage industrial gearboxes to planetary gears. Some theoretical basics will also be covered. In addition to the simulation of individual machine elements, this seminar also includes simulation of the entire gearbox and cross influences.

Target audience

New and experienced users who want to get to know the latest features of the current version of the FVA-Workbench.

Main topics

The following topics will be covered

  • Overview of the latest features and functionalities of the FVA-Workbench

  • Modeling and parameterization of cylindrical and planetary gearboxes

  • Introduction to gearbox design with the FVA-Workbench


The goal of this two day seminar is to demonstrate the use of the FVA-Workbench for gearbox design. The modeling process will first be explained and then applied using practical examples:

  • Power flow and main geometry calculation (with and without tools)

  • Calculation of load carrying capacity (ISO 6336 | Scoring calculation ISO/TR 13989 | AGMA 2101 D04)

  • Creation of load spectra

  • Shaft simulation (shafts and shaft-hub connections)

  • Rolling bearing simulation (service life)

  • Analytical load distribution (load distribution across the face width and modifications)

  • Noise excitation

  • Efficiency and temperature simulation of bevel gears


Dr. Ferdinand Wikidal

GearConsult - Damage analysis and consulting

6 years as scientific assistant at the Technical University of Munich Institute of Machine Elements "Gear Research Center" (FZG)

Doctorate: "Calculation of the flank pressure of spur and helical gears with consideration of load and production-related deviations"

3 years as technical manager of the extruder gearbox department at A. Friedr. Flender AG

7 years as a damage assessor at the Allianz Center for Technology (AZT). Areas of specialization: Gearboxes, rolling bearings, and wind turbine drive trains

Since 2008: Ongoing development of the FVA-Workbench gear calculation software and freelance expert for gearbox and rolling bearing damage

Fees (net)

Standard: €1431.00
FVA members: €1145.00
VDMA members: €1145.00

May 3

Basics of gearbox design

June 11

Controlling electric induction drives